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France 3 Cleaning Ecostation - Fréjus



Head to Port Fréjus, alongside France 3, to discover the first Monawa fixed Ecostation for port cleaning, washing and rinsing.
This Ecostation, distributed by AGL marine, provides port users with an ingenious hybrid boat washing and rinsing system that allows port activities to continue during periods of water restrictions and contributes to the sustainable management of water resources.

An ingenious solution for washing with sea water and rinsing with fresh water...

By combining MONAWA seawater desalination units with stainless steel high-pressure cleaners, boats can now be cleaned at the docks using remote control terminals installed on the latter. These terminals allow boaters to easily choose their seawater/freshwater washing and rinsing options using different push buttons.

Our Ecostations provide access and guarantee eco-responsible and economical cleaning to a very large number of boaters. They will thus be able to maintain their boats using 80% sea water and only 20% fresh water, thereby reducing their environmental impact as well as drinking water costs!

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